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index. older. profile. notes. dland.

easy kill ramble.

i hate the way you look at me. it makes me come undone.

its pretty much daily now, where you look at me for too long, & butterflies have always bothered me, so i bail out & look at the floor

but i always glance back at you fast enough that i see you look away quickly with some mix of embarassment & confusion on your face.

i think you think you're doing something wrong.

dont worry. i'm just in love with you. no biggie.

& while we're going in this direction, dont do the conan o'brien string dance after announcing that he's your idol.

you're stupid & funny & adorable & i hate it.

other: yeah, so like...i'd have to say conan o'brien is my model for how i teach. um, maybe you shouldnt tell people that. keep coollll ma babies.

before & after