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the birth of sageism.

i'm serious about sageism. i mean most likely i'll get bored with this whole thing before the weekends over. but as of now i'm serious, & thats all that matters.

so heres the deal.

these are the things that i believe. & i believe other people would benefit from believing them too.

however, in order to not be a complete hypocrite, i dont give a shit what you believe.

i mean, obviously its pretty illogical for anyone to associate themselves with this nonsense if you completely disagree with everything i say.

but if you read this & you want any of it to be yours, adopt it.

let it become part of your life. thats the point of it.

& please let me know.

i dont want people to follow me. i dont want people to worship me. i'm not god.

well. thats a lie. of course i want people to worship me. just not in the religious sense.

i want you to adore me & you should. starting now.

but anyway. thats really insignificant to anything.

so, sageism.

a few little disclaimer type things.

as i said, i'm not god.

i'm not even buddha.

well, maybe like, 1/4 buddha.


its very possible that i dont know what i'm talking about.

this is all what i believe. i'm not presenting it as fact, & you shouldnt accept it as such.

i think thats a big part of this. not accepting beliefs as fact, religiously speaking.

most of this isnt original. its bits & pieces of other religions/lifestyles/philosophies that match what i believe.

you're on your own as far as thoughts about the afterlife & worshipping go.

i dont pray. its a personal thing. if praying helps you or makes you feel better, by all means, do it.

i guess my problem is i dont really know what i'm praying to.

this might not be as organized as i want. maybe its better that way.

i have no opinion about the afterlife.

i believe people are reincarnated. i dont know if its a regular thing, but i believe it happens.

i dont think i believe in hell. i dont think i believe in the traditional heaven.

thats as deep as my views concerning the afterlife go. so really, do your own thing.

i think people rely on god too much.

i mean, i believe in some sort of higher power god thing as much as the next non-atheist.

but people put all of this faith into something that isnt active in their life.

& they talk about how god saved them.

god didnt save you. the idea of god, which you created yourself, saved you.

save yourselves. are you really going to rely on an idea when times get rough?

i mean maybe its good that they do that. maybe its the only way some people can deal.

i just dont understand why people think they're so weak.

rely on a combination of yourself & other people. at least its something tangible.

because unless god unloaded the gun before you could kill yourself, nothing but the idea of him saved you. or, gasp, your own will to live saved you.

i dont believe everything good comes from god.

you should never regret anything.

i believe everything happens for a reason.

i dont know if its all predestined. or maybe the choices we make really do make a difference. but either way, everything ends up the way it should.

the sooner you accept that, the more your mind will be at ease.

everyone dies. deal with it.

accept that you, & everyone you know, will die.

i support premarital sex, abortion, divorce, & gay marriages.

i find blashphemy amusing 99% of the time.

dont commit yourself to beliefs. life is about change.

you're stronger than you think.

you dont need a god to be okay anymore than a god needs you.

love should be the most important thing in anyones life.

whether its romantic, platonic, physical, makes it easier to get by.

love of people, love of music, love of rain, love of doesnt matter what you love.

well. okay, if you love raping little kids, yeah theres a problem there.

but in most circumstances, hold on to what you love. metaphorically.

i mean dont be like, i love you, *grab*

because thats just weird.

not everything needs justification. especially not emotions/feelings/desires.

dont worry about things because everything happens the way it should.

follow your instinct, gut, conscience, whatever you want to call it.

you know what you're going to do before you do it. but your mind starts presenting all the other options & thats when you feel conflicted.

trust that whatever you do, whatever happens, is right.

not right as in morally, or legally, or anything else.

but right as in fate. whats supposed to happen.

the things i'm telling you cant be taught.

you'll either evolve to that state of mind, or you wont.

i cant make you accept or believe anything. i cant make you change.

i sound really elitist.

i think i am. deal with it.

but what i'm trying to say is...i didnt get here over night, whereever here is.

its my opinion that i've matured or gotten to a better point or something.

i can sleep at night. i have a general peace about me. i'm relaxed. i dont worry about little things.

i'm sure lots of other people are at this point too.

however, i'm the one trying to put together a religion/lifestyle/philosopy/hipocrisy on easter sunday.

if theres a hell, i might be going to it. i'm not sure though.anyway. not about me.

well. yes it is.

ehh fuck it. i'm done.

sorry for the short attention span. but what the hell am i trying to do, anyway?

spread the mediocre news? christ.

look, do whatever you want.

i'm going to go eat candy.

before & after