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index. older. profile. notes. dland.

sleep to dream; things have never been so swell

a woman i know had me pull a card out of a bag, it said, "clarity" & it was too appropriate. i mean you have to be into this sort of thing. but i'm obsessed with signs & now i'm buying that jimmy eat world cd, i'm close to asking you what you're thinking, i realized that i'm afraid to touch you & its ridiculous, or maybe its logical, i dont think i care too much. but when it would be normal i avoid physical contact with you, which is unlike me. & certainly more stressful.

once i didnt get enough sleep & i sat down in the hall against the lockers& you walked by & stared at me like i was insane, then laughed & asked me if your tie was okay because i make fun of you when you cant dress yourself properly. & its those kinds of things that mean too much to be so small.

i'm past that point. i dont want subtlety. i want it spelled out for me.

i want clarity.

before & after