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silver bullet

has the world died?

exactly how far have i faded back?

i can make this quick or painfully slow

its getting to the point where silver bullet is floating & i'm saying,

imnotinloveimnotinloveimnotinlove i am not in love

i want to feel something slightly rational. just a little bit grounded.

i'm sick of nothing making sense.

& i'm sick of these fucking morons who think they love me.

think i'm something great.

the hopeless romantic can keep itself around, but the fact of the matter is i'm worn out.

i'm too young & i'm already worn out.

i cant sleep at night. i dont know what it feels like to have someone really love me.

i'm an idea. i'm not tangible.

people want me & it doesnt matter.

sure, i'm arrogant. & its wasted.

because the things i'm arrogant about dont matter.

i charm people, it doesnt mean anything.

i'm the universal soulmate.

i've got all the characteristics down, all the perfect flawed qualities.

well tell me something irrational. something i can use. something worth something.

tell me i keep you up at night, & that i hurt you with everything i do.

that you love to hate me. hate to love me, but love me anyway.

tell me you're sinking.

be obvious.

tell me everything we all mentally play out in our heads.

show me that i'm what you've been waiting for all your life.

& that you simply cant do without me.

tell me its forever to make me nervous.

believe it in your head that its forever.

love fatal's lament.

so yeah, i'll be your rag doll, your angel, whatever fits the moment.

let me try to break you while you try to make me softer.

you know everything i just said to do?

no one can do all that.

before & after